Clean Cities University

This is the second term CDCC has been selected to participate in the Clean Cities University Workforce Development Program.  During the Summer of 2013, Ashley Johnson, a Colgate University graduate, joined the CDCC team and launched an electric vehicle (EV) outreach and education effort in the Capital Region.  This effort which we branded Get Charged in the Capital Region included a series of workshops on electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) installation, an EV bus demo, and the development of various tools and resources for consumers, fleets, local governments, electricians and more.  All of these great tools can be found on the CDCC’s new EV website:

This academic year Angel Sanchez, an undergraduate student from RPI, has joined the CDCC team.  Angel will continue Ashley’s great work as well as develop an Existing Conditions Report of EVSE and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) infrastructure in the Capital Region.  This report will also identify feasible locations for EVSE or CNG which will referred to as the “Priority Network. ”